
Thursday 8 February 2001

A05 - client report

feedback from focus group

I presented my products in a presentation to a focus group of 4 people with a written script. here is the feedback I collected from my 3 advertising products.
I first presented to the focus group my marketing plan, they agreed with all of my ideas throughout the whole plan, such as the places of advertisement, the aim of my campaign, my idea/view of the current situation being a very popular genre for young adults and teens and were impressed with my research of Dubstep tracks in the chart and how long they have been there for. My focus group thought that another good place of advertisement would be at big train stations around the UK.
I then showed my three products to the focus group one at a time. The focus group liked the way I stuck to the original conventions of Dubstep music and the original singles artwork. They liked the posters images and the way they have been edited, However the poster wouldnt encourage purchase of the track and should make the audience want to buy it more with, for example, ratings of the track like you would see on a film poster. They also think that I should move the boxes at the top and bottom so they are not touching the sides to add visual effect.

They thought my article had a good layout like the way that the big image is displayed first followed by text and the single's track artwork to the side. They liked the font as they thought it suited the genre of music and said that I should use that font also on my poster. I was asked the question "where will my feature article be posted" i said that it will be posted on the get darker online website and that it has been made in the same layout as all of the other articles on the website.

Finally, the focus group liked my final product which was merchandise, they liked the way that I had a large variety of merchandise that appealed to them, caught their eye and that they may purchase if seen in a shop/online, they liked the way I had already organised the prices for the merchandise however believed that the long sleeve T-Shirt was not a very nice colour and didn't suit. they said that it would look nicer black with white writing however they did prefer the items with the barcode logo.

I made these graphs to sum up my results from the small questionnaire I passed out after presenting my product, it shows that more people would buy my product from the focus group that wouldn't. also that everyone agreed with my marketing plan.

Number of people that would buy the product

Number of people that agreed with my marketing plan


In conclusion, I believe that I advertised the product that I chose well. I think all of the advertisement types I chose, which were a Poster, feature article and pieces of merchandise was a good decision as they are more practical for the product which is a music track as well as a great way of advertising. I also chose very good and suitable places to advertise the product to the appropriate target audience i.e. outside of night clubs and after feedback decided another great place to advertise is in train-stations. I stuck to the deadlines throughout the whole unit and completed all of the work, most being before the deadline.

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