
Wednesday 21 February 2001

Direct Advertising - Poster

This is a poster I created in photoshop as an example of Direct Advertising.

Risk assessment 
I was not under any serious risks while I created this product as it is not such a practical product, I had to make sure I didn't sit in-front of the computer for too long as it could damage your eyes, also i had to make sure that the apple mac charger was portable appliance tested (pat tested) before I plugged it into the computer as it could cause harm or damage.

Legal and ethical
my product is for educational use only therefor I am not breaking any copyright rules, however if I was to release my products that would be illegal because I have no legal rights to the product I am advertising and I have used logos which I do not have permission to use. My product is also not offensive and does not represent groups of individuals in a non fair picture. If I was to release this product they would need to follow Ofcom's and the ASA's guidelines which is the independent regulator and competition authority for the UK communications industries

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